Step 1: Sit in your comfortable meditation posture.
Step 2: Close your eyes and do a breathing warm-up or backward counting exercise. First, begin the process by taking a few deep breaths. Then, practice the breathing ratio of inhalation to exhalation from 1:2 to 6:12. After that, reverse it from 6:12 to 1:2. For example, inhale counting, “One,” exhale counting, “One, Two.” Inhale counting, “One, Two;” exhale counting, “One, Two, Three, Four.” Go up the scale to six counts in, twelve counts out. Then reverse: six counts in, twelve counts out; five counts in, ten counts out; and so on, down to one count in, two counts out. Alternatively, you just simply count backward from 50 to 1.
Step 3: Mentally repeat this affirmation, "calm/relaxed." for 5 minutes. When you inhale, silently affirm "CALM". While you're exhaling, mentally repeat "RELAXED".
After you've practiced the above-mentioned 3-step techniques, you'll enter a deep state meditation. Surprisingly, you'll find yourself calm and relaxed during that state.
Step 4: Before getting out of meditative state, gently tell yourself, "Now I want to get out of meditative state." Then, breathe deeply 3 times, and say to yourself once again, "Eyes open. Fully alert and refresh."
Please give it a try, experience it, and enjoy the process.
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